McQueen, K.J. (2015). ‘Mass Additivity and A Priori Entailment’ In Synthese. Abraham Kuyper Center9 July, 2015
McQueen, K.J.. ‘Four Tails Problems for Dynamical Collapse Theories’ In Studies in the History & Philosophy of Modern Physics 49: 10-18 (2015). Abraham Kuyper Center9 July, 2015
Kelvin McQueen (2015). ‘Physical Realization’, The Philosophical Quarterly, doi: 10.1093/pq/pqv076 (invited book review). Abraham Kuyper Center9 July, 2015
De Bruin, L.C. & Strijbos, D. (2015) Self-Interpretation as First-Person Mindshaping: Implications for Confabulation Research. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18, p. 297–307. Abraham Kuyper Center9 July, 2015
Rik Peels (2015). “A Modal Solution to the Problem of Moral Luck”, American Philosophical Quarterly 52.1, 73-87. Abraham Kuyper Center9 July, 2015
Rik Peels (2015). Thomas M. Crisp, Steve L. Porter en Gregg A. Ten Elshof (red.), Christian Scholarship in the Twenty-First Century: Prospects and Perils (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2014), Soteria. Abraham Kuyper Center9 July, 2015
Rik Peels (2015). “Een wandelgids bij het leven. Een analytische evaluatie van de Christelijke Dogmatiek”, Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 69.1, 21-37. Abraham Kuyper Center9 July, 2015
Rik Peels. (2015). “Believing at Will Is Possible”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93.3, 524-541. Abraham Kuyper Center9 July, 2015
Gijsbert van den Brink (2015). “Evolution as a Bone of Contention between Church and Academy: How Abraham Kuyper Can Help Us Bridge the Gap” in: Gordon Graham (ed.), The Kuyper Center Review, Volume 5 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2015), 92-103. Abraham Kuyper Center8 July, 2015
Gijsbert van den Brink (2015), “The Reformation, Rationality and the Rise of Modern Science”, in: Herman Selderhuis & Volker Leppin (eds.), Reformation und Rationalität (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014, p. 193-205). Abraham Kuyper Center8 July, 2015