NewsXX Workshop Science and Intentional Action & Colloquium by Alfred Mele Workshop Science and Intentional Action & Colloquium by Alfred Mele June 26, 10.00 - 12.45…Abraham Kuyper Center8 June, 2018
NewsXX Workshop Cognitive Science of Religion and Philosophy Cognitive Science of Religion and Philosophy Workshop Hans Van Eyghen - Michiel van Elk…Abraham Kuyper Center6 June, 2018
NewsXX Boekpresentatie “Glazen Slijpen” 'Glazen slijpen. Onderliggende denkramen in academisch onderwijs' Boekpresentatie Edwin Koster en Rob Boschhuizen 19 april, 15.30…Abraham Kuyper Center19 February, 2018
NewsXX CFP European Epistemology Network Call for papers, book symposia and round table meetings Abstracts (500-600 words) for papers to…Abraham Kuyper Center5 February, 2018
NewsXX European Epistemology Network (EEN) EUROPEAN EPISTEMOLOGY NETWORK (EEN) June 28-30, 2018 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Keynote speakers Jessica Brown (University…Abraham Kuyper Center5 January, 2018
NewsXX East West Philosophy Forum East West Philosophy Forum: The Epistemic Responsibilities of the Humanities May 30th - 31st 2018…Abraham Kuyper Center4 January, 2018
NewsXX Summer Seminar: Virtues in the University Virtues in the University August 20-22, 2018 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Virtues in the University The…Abraham Kuyper Center2 January, 2018
XX Interview Stephen Grimm | Understanding Stephen R. Grimm is Professor of Philosophy and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Fordham…Abraham Kuyper Center9 October, 2017
NewsXX Colloquium: Robert Audi Research Institute CLUE+, the Department of Philosophy, Study Association Icarus, and Abraham Kuyper Center present: VU…Abraham Kuyper Center15 September, 2017
NewsXX After four years: PhD students present their results Research Institute CLUE+, the Department of Philosophy, and Study Association Icarus present: VU Philosophy Colloquium…Abraham Kuyper Center13 September, 2017